• If I don't know my options, I don't have any."

    Diana Korte

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Preparing for Birth: Childbirth Education

LPS Perinatal believes the more prepared you are, the better your perinatal experience will be. This childbirth education series aims to prepare you as much as possible so that you feel confident in the decisions you make no matter how your birth goes.

During my classes, I will provide lots of information, some of which will relate to your parenthood journey and some of which you will question. Please voice your questions. You are having a unique experience and I hope to help inform your particular circumstance. Anything can happen in the perinatal timeframe and your story will be uniquely yours. However your baby comes, knowledge is power and open-mindedness is crucial.

Q & A with a perinatal expert

Google is not your friend during pregnancy. Still, during the perinatal time, millions of questions arise and the temptation to search for answers is strong. LPS Perinatal offers a la carte sessions catered to your specific needs to answer (or at least point you in the right direction to get more information about) these questions. Group sessions can be found on my calendar or reach out via my contact page if interested in private sessions.